Friday, January 30, 2009

Spring 2009 Semester

Spring 2009 Semester at Solano Community College has started recently.

tues - 12:30-1:50 pm Political Science
2-3:15pm Biology (lecture)

weds - 6:15-9:15pm History 18 (post-civil war and up)

thurs - 9:30am-12:20pm Biology (lab)
2:30-1:50 pm Political Science
2-3:15pm Biology (lecture)

and finally an Astronomy Online course (The Solar System)
on top of that includes work at L&L Hawaiian BBQ tues & thurs. 5pm-9pm
not to bad, thursdays are QUITE the days however.

on a closing note, i thought i would never EVER ever flipping say this, but i actually enjoy my biology course. very funny due to the fact that i fail miserably when it comes to science, however my teacher is one of the rare/few stellar teachers that respect you, is clear, and is able to apply the material to your own personal everyday lives. no to mention that he's a hella funny dude.
for example he was describing the size of an atom's nucleus and electron cloud, he then eventually subtly said that "its not hella big, just hecka big." you had to be there. lol

so far so good this semester.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have no idea what to say, I'm just taking it all in, one day at a time.